Meet Gabby.
Opportunity opened up for her last year when she first heard about WMCAT’s Music Tech + Production Studio while sitting in her class at C.A. Frost Environmental Science Academy as a freshman.
“Since I came to WMCAT my life changed a lot, because I was a shy kid,” explained Gabby.
But watch Gabby talk about her passion for music and you’ll see her face light up.
“I learned about music that I’ve always wanted to learn about,” she shared.
Gabby found a lot more than just music at WMCAT. Since joining the Music Tech + Production studio in our Teen Arts + Tech Program, she let her curiosity and excitement to learn led to more opportunities than she could have imagined.

Gabby and the Idea Lab team, a summer work program at WMCAT
In less than a year, Gabby has participated in two studios, a WMCAT summer work program called Idea Lab (that worked on a project with Project 1 by ArtPrize), and helped co-design logos for a partnership project between Bridge Street Market and WMCAT to produce reusable bags for their store.

Gabby presenting a logo design to Bridge Street Market leadership for reusable bags
“I learned so much in Idea Lab, I learned so much at Bridge Street Market, I learned so much in the class, it’s crazy how much, like, opportunities they gave me here.”
Currently, Gabby is working on a local mural with WMCAT Illustration and Graphic Design Teaching Artist, Oscar Neri, and she is trying the Photography Studio – a new studio for her.
When you support WMCAT, you are building student’s creative confidence. You are building their community connections which afford so many opportunities for our students.
“Ultimately, you are helping them think about what their future can be like,” explained Trudy Ngo-Brown, Director of Arts + Tech at WMCAT.

Gabby, fellow teen artists, and WMCAT Teaching Artist, Oscar Neri, present logo ideas for a reusable bag to Bridge Street Market leadership