WMCAT's 20th Anniversary

In 2005, the West Michigan Center for Arts + Technology (WMCAT) was founded with the intention of providing a culture of opportunity for people to make social and economic progress in their lives and community. Since then, WMCAT has connected more than a thousand adults and teens with opportunities to build creative confidence, develop power in aligning personal values with career options, discover leadership qualities born out of lived experience, and find economic security in meaningful careers.

In 2025, join us as we celebrate 20 years of impact. As we reflect on our past, we’re energized to continue working toward a bold future where thriving opportunity awaits us all.

20 Years of impact

celebrate with us

Join us at an event in 2025! We’re bringing the community together to celebrate our mission, students, and staff that make WMCAT a staple of Grand Rapids. Events include an exhibition of student work from the last 20 years, a community celebration, and more!

Donate Today!

The last 20 years, this year, and the next 20 years are not possible without your support. By making a donation to WMCAT you are providing a place where teens can explore visual arts and digital media while building creative confidence, young adults can connect their values with college and career exploration, and adults can tain for a new career that leads to income stability for their family. 

20 years of Impact

Teen Arts + Tech program

“I have found an after-school activity that makes me genuinely excited, something that has not happened before. It gives me hope for the future of after school activities.”
-Teen Arts + Tech Student

Students Supported
Students agree WMCAT accepts them for who they are
0 %
Students agree WMCAT is a safe environment
0 %
Studios Offered

6 years of Impact

Step Year at wmcat

“My time in class has been filled with enriching experiences, from field trips that brought learning to life, to engaging projects that encouraged creativity and critical thinking. Step Year has broadened my horizons, sparking curiosity and igniting passions I didn’t know existed. My journey has been full of discovery, growth, and excitement. I am so looking forward to the future.”
-Step Year Alum

Students Supported
Education + Industry Visits
Students identified a career or job of interest
0 %
Students identified a training or educational opportunity of interest
0 %

20 Years of Impact

adult career training program

“I really like how everyone is so different from each other, but we are all here for similar reasons and that alone makes being at WMCAT feel so welcoming and encouraging.”
– Adult Career Training Alum

Student Graduated
Average Graduation Rate
0 %
Employee Partners
Students obtained employment 6 months to a year after graduation
0 %

20 years of support

Number of Unique Donors

0 +

Amount of Funds Raised Over 20 Years

$ 0

*Funding includes donations, grants, and corporate support.

20th Anniversary Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors! Sponsorship of our 20th anniversary supports WMCAT’s vision to provide equitable access to opportunity.
To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Emily Evers, Director of Development, at emily.evers@wmcat.org or 616.454.7004.

advocate Sponsor