Tired of the phrase a “new normal”? So are we. Normal hasn’t been working for so many families in our community, even before this past year of unprecedented challenges. Let’s seize this moment to move forward to a “better normal.”
Together let’s make family economic security more accessible, and help young people process their world through creativity. Let’s remember that community drives prosperity; and that opportunity pathways, education and meaningful connections are essential to a better normal.
At the West Michigan Center for Arts + Technology we are celebrating the future with our students. What will be different for them? What will be different for us in the coming months and years?
For Bree, a high school sophomore in WMCAT’s Teen Arts + Tech Program, it’s working with her friends in person on a video production crew. “I come to WMCAT because there’s equipment here I can use to better myself creatively,” she said.
For Elizabeth, a medical billing student in WMCAT’s Adult Career Training Program, it’s a stable future with a financially secure career. “I’m braver than I thought because I came to WMCAT,” she said.
And for Jamon, WMCAT’s president + CEO, it’s coming back together in community to foster pathways to economic security, elevate the voices of young people through creativity, and provide a space for innovation.
Work will look different; education will look different. But for WMCAT our “why” remains the same: to provide equitable access to opportunity. That is how, together, we advance real community prosperity, how we live into a better normal.
We need you to join us. Please make a one-time or monthly gift to WMCAT today as we enter into a new season of possibilities, creativity and “better normals.” We’re excited to celebrate adults like Elizabeth starting new careers, and teens like Bree coming together with their peers to create. With your support, WMCAT and our students are ready for what’s next!