You are curating opportunity. You are curating futures. Together, we are the West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology, a place committed to equitable access to opportunity. Let me introduce you to some WMCAT friends who have a shared vision for equity and innovation in their own lives and in our community.
Meet Isaac and Tony. Isaac Rhodes is a high school senior who walked into WMCAT’s video game design studio nearly four years ago because it seemed like something he’d be into. Today, he has been accepted to Ferris State University where he will major in Game Design starting next fall. “My first year at WMCAT was the most influential thing that’s happened in my life because it made me realize I want to do video game design as a career.”
Tony Baker is a WMCAT Opportunity Curator, a monthly donor who wants young people to connect to their city. Tony is also a father of a WMCAT teen artist, a member of the Grand Rapids Public Schools Board of Education, and a professor at Ferris State University. He knows that WMCAT is a place where teens from throughout the city can come together and elevate their voices. “The most significant community (my son) has is at WMCAT. This is his home. He is connecting with kids from all across the city.”
Tony and Isaac are sharing success. Together they are curating futures.
Join them. Become an Opportunity Curator today with your recurring gift to WMCAT. It’s easy. Just set it up once and you’re shaping futures every day.
Meet Tioni and Jamon. Tioni “T” Thompson has found social capital at WMCAT. A pharmacy technician student in our Adult Career Training Program, T has built a family among her classmates. “We have a group text and we text each other every day. We help each other out because we all want to see each other be successful.”
She also has an employer on her side. Weeks into her program at WMCAT, T met Kim Cornett, a Pharmacy District Manager at Meijer. Kim is supporting her career journey. “We get to go out to Meijer and actually meet with employers. That makes it easier not to be intimidated,” said T. “(Kim) is a resource and a partner.” At WMCAT, T says, “I’ve never seen so many people want to help adults.”
Jamon Alexander is a WMCAT Opportunity Curator, who believes that donors are partners in justice work. Jamon first started supporting WMCAT 10 years ago, inspired by our work with young people through the arts. In 2015, he joined WMCAT as director of workforce development and has continued to invest in our work as a donor and a staff leader. “The path to economic security is not always a linear one. I talk to our students every day. I learn their stories. Their dreams, hopes and goals are no different than mine.”
Jamon and T share a hope that families can achieve income security. Together they are supporting career journeys.
Be a part of that success. Support the journey as an Opportunity Curator. You can start today.
Meet Arieal and Lizzie. Arieal Jackson is quick to tell you that Tuesdays and Thursdays are her favorite days. That’s when you’ll find the high school junior in the WMCAT video production studio, honing skills that will help her realize her dream to be a video journalist. “I’m getting the opportunity to work on the cameras and work on writing a story for a client.” Teens at WMCAT have the chance to work on client projects and community-driven media and art.
Lizzie Williams is a WMCAT Opportunity Curator, a donor who believes that a monthly gift can go a long way to lifting people up. A marketing and communications specialist at OST, local software development company, Lizzie has connected with WMCAT through mentoring and community leadership. “I love the sustainable philanthropy model of a recurring gift. It’s super easy,” she said. “WMCAT gives students real-world experience in the most fun way.”
Arieal and Lizzie share a belief in the power of creativity to lift up people and communities. Together they are curating futures and community conversations.
Be a part of our story. Your gift will lift up Isaac, T and Arieal as they pursue creativity and career. With your gift, you’ll be part of a special group of WMCAT friends who believe in sustaining equitable access to opportunity.
It really is easy. Simply click here to donate. One action on your part today will support continued action toward equity and innovation on our part.
With gratitude,
Daniel Williams, EdD
President + CEO
P.S. Join Tony, Jamon and Lizzie as WMCAT Opportunity Curators and three times a year you’ll receive a special perk from WMCAT to say “thanks” for your monthly gift and for sharing in our success.

Tony Baker

Lizzie Williams

Jamon Alexander